My life has been all round, 
With no perfect destination. 
Day by day, I fall into a band, 
That's full of imperfections.
Seldom could I understand, 
With no interpretation. 

Life catches me wherever I go, 
Hurts me with its invisible blow, 
And restrains me from my Jerusalem ahead.
Now I am left alone on this ground, 
Being mentally beaten up, 
And my visions, left to be eaten up. 

Crawling like a little baby, 
Still encamped in my weak thought, 
With my whole eyes being dizzy, 
I felt this would be my very last. 
So I gave in to my fate, 
Swiftly, like a baby gazing at a monster's face. 

NOTE: You can watch the video/audio version here. Thank you. 

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